Welcome! We want to welcome you to the new NCKM website. First, let me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about why we created this new site.
My name is Michael Lenahan, and I am the new Assistant Nextgen Director at NCAG. I have been serving in ministry as a Children’s Pastor for over 15 years (You start to lose count). Before that, I served as a volunteer leader in kids and youth ministry. God brought my family and me five years ago from Orlando, FL, to North Carolina. During those five years, we served as the children’s pastors at Winston Salem First. We were blessed to be a part of that ministry for five years. We saw significant growth, lives changed, healing, and even pain and loss.
During this time, God was working on our hearts to take what we had learned and experienced over the last 15 years to a larger audience. God was placing a vision and desire to disciple our peers in ministry and help equip them with the tools they would need to grow personally and in their ministry. Little did we know what God was doing in the background as He was preparing a place for us at the NCAG District office.
That brings us to this website. Why a new website? What was wrong with the old website? The last site was good for its time, but it needed to be updated and set up to provide the type of resources and interaction we wanted to see regarding the NCKM website. We have a vision for this site to be a place where you can be encouraged, equipped, and connected with NCKM and your peers in ministry. This site will host monthly blogs, training videos, and resources to help you in ministry. We will discuss that more in another blog or a video coming soon.
Events & Resources
NCKM will provide multiple ways for you to grow in your ministry, and one of those is through our events. There will be other information coming out soon about these events but I did want to highlight a few of them.
- Monthly Zoom Calls: These calls will be a great way for us to connect and grow. There will be time for discipleship and time for Q&A’s that are designed to help you grow. This is also a great way to meet and connect with your peers in ministry.
- Quarterly Round Tables: These round tables are an extension of our monthly Zoom Calls, but even better as they are in person. One of the greatest things I have experienced over the 15 years of ministry was getting together face to face with my peers and connecting with each other and learning from each other. I have walked away from so many of these types of events with ideas, resources and tools I could implement right away into my ministry. I have also walked away from these events with new life long friends.
- Nextgen Conference (Orlando & NC): This year we have the opportunity to attend the NextGen Conference hosted by the National Office in Orlando Fl. This is a powerful 3 day event where you will 100% be blessed and encouraged. We would love to have to attend and we even have a Ticket and Room Package available if interested. Each year we also host our very own Nextgen Conference here in NC, so if you can’t make the FL one we got you covered with our very own conference here in NC.
So let me introduce you to another key player in the Nextgen office here in NCAG. She is the true super star of the team that you will be engaging with a lot. So let’s meet her…….

Meet the Nextgen Administrator
Alysa Lenahan is our Nextgen Admin and she is married to the Asst. Nextgen Director. Yes he did win the lottery! She is also a mother to 3 amazing girls Cadence, Taylor and Reese. She has a passion for homeschooling as well as helping us stay on track in the Nextgen department.
Alysa will be the one you most likely engage with the most as she will be the one tracking you down when it comes to event registrations, giving and gathering information from you. She is the best and we are very blessed to have her apart of the team. You can reach her at alenahan@ncag.org
We are excited for what God is going to do in 2024, and how He is going to use this website to bless you and equip you in ministry. The best is yet to come!