NCAG Kidmin exists to provide ministry, resources, training, and encouragement to the kids and KidMin leaders of North Carolina. While ministry to boys and girls is one of our highest priorities, ministry and support to our KidMin leaders is equally important.
We will provide clear, comprehensive, and strategic spirit-filled resources to help kids leaders make disciples who make disciples.
We exist to assist churches to mobilize kids to reach other kids.
Starting BGMC in your church is simple! Check out these resources to guide you along the way.CURRENT NC PROJECT SPOTLIGHTS
Below you will find our current spotlights projects. There are more than what is listed here and you can click the more button to find more information on all our porjects.
Hurricane Helene has devastated western NC and many of our churches and ministers have been tragically affected. We are still accessing the needs and have been actively involved with those who have reached out for help. You can give to STL – Convoy of Hope to help with the disaster relief. Please click the button below to give. Please make sure you select advanced giving and in the drop down select STL -Convoy. In the comments field put ” Helene Disaster relief.
Current Projects:
1. Convoy of Hope Disaster Relief. PROJECT NUMBER: 36914
We are Ashley and Meredith Penley, and we are serving in the northern highlands of Ecuador with our three awesome kids: Aiden, Rylee, and Amelia. We were approved as career appointed missionaries in the fall of 2010. Since then, God has allowed us to join Him in the exciting work that He is doing in Ecuador. Pioneering university ministries (REDU), church planting, and church revitalization have been the primary focus of ministry during our first two terms. Then, in 2019, the Lord gave us an additional assignment to reach the Quichua Indians and Afro-Ecuadorians in the province of Imbabura that so desperately need to hear the gospel message. Knowing that this was a great task, we began to pray that the Lord would build a team of missionaries who would help target the unreached people groups of northern Ecuador. We also realized the need to train Ecuadorians, who have answered the call to ministry, to help us plant and pastor new churches. So, we recently launched a school of ministry with plans to plant churches throughout northern Ecuador. As we work with this team of missionaries and nationals, we will have the privilege of bringing the hope and truth we have in Jesus to people who so desperately need it.
Current Projects:
1. Kids’ Outreaches – rental space, snacks, prizes, and supplies for 4 locations. $ 17,600.00
2. Building/Construction – KidMin wing at Ecuador church plant. $14,000.00
We are Kevin and Moriah Thompson appointed to serve in the Ivory Coast, West Africa. The Spirit of God has ushered us out of darkness and into His embrace! Thanks to pastors, Teen & Adult Challenge, godly relatives, rehabilitation counselors, and discipleship in the church. The greatest proof of His work in our lives is this passion to bring the Gospel to others.
The vision.
We are working towards a healthy and vibrant church within walking distance of every person in Africa!
We partner with local congregations to construct in hard to reach places through Africa Tabernacle Evangelism.
Current Projects:
1. Building Project – 10 kids’ church tabernacle kits at $3,000 each – IVORY COAST (Project #920424)
Total Project $30,000.00 (10 kids churches at $3,000 a piece)
The mission of WorldServe is to provide clean water, sanitation, education, and economic opportunities to alleviate suffering in Africa. Funds are needed to build school lunch gardens, sports courts, boarding schools, early learning schools, and birthing centers. Learn more about how you can support this project here.
Current Projects:
1. Drip Irrigation
2. Other Projects coming soon
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response.
In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
Current Convoy of Hope Projects:
1. FeedONE
2. Disaster Response
3. COH Outreach Vehicle $35,000
We hope to see 20,000 children in U.S. foster care being cared for by our Assemblies of God churches and families. We know that every Bible-believing church wants to follow the command to care for those that feel orphaned, but often they don’t know how or where to start. If the church doesn’t take a stand for these children, then who will?
Current Projects:
1. Vehicles – 12 passenger vans (4)
2. Opening New State Agencies
3. Updating Campus
FREE International’s mission is to find, restore, embrace, and empower the survivors of human trafficking. Through a national training center and programs, mobile command centers, therapy dogs, church resources, and initiatives such as Big Searches, BGMC and STL can help make sure that FREE is equipped to continue spreading the gospel one survivor at a time.
Current Free International Projects:
1. Rescue/Therapy dogs
The mission of Project Rescue is to rescue women and children from slavery and trafficking through the love and power of God. All caregivers offer God’s love, liberating truth, and compassionate, holistic care while working with survivors to support them on their journey toward restoration. Funds are needed to build a third home in the Project Rescue village that will allow space for 40 additional girls, a large dining area, a beautiful garden area, a housing area for staff, two guest rooms, and training areas for learning job skills. Learn more about how you can support this project here.
Current Project Rescue Projects:
1. Education of poverty-stricken families in high-risk areas, awareness programs, and residential care for children of exploited women.
2. Initiatives to educate and physically rescue women and children.
3. Meeting holistic needs of women and children as they are discipled to a new life in God.
Live Dead is an initiative to plant churches among unreached people groups (UPGs). With the mission of dying to self so that 3 billion people without access to the gospel can hear about the love of Jesus, Live Dead missionaries serve on teams in the least reached places of the world. They need our help to get the equipment and supplies they need! Learn more about how you can support this project here.
Current Live|Dead Projects:
1. Missionaries and their vehicles & equipment for ministry
BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, care, pray, give, and to reach the lost. We have a two-fold purpose: to reach the children of the world with the love of Jesus and to create a heart of compassion in kids.